Make a Payment
Online Payment Instructions
Simply choose the payment type from the drop-down menu above, add the student's name to the text box, and click the yellow "Add to Cart" button. This will take you to a new page, listing all of the items in your shopping cart. To add additional fees and/or additional students, navigate back to this page and continue adding payment types from the drop-down menu. You can easily see what items are in your cart by clicking on the yellow "View Cart" button. When you are done selecting all applicable fees and adding them to your cart, check out and pay using either PayPal or your credit card. Cash or Check
If you would rather pay these fees using a check or cash, you can send payments with your child to school, drop them off in our secure lock-box (located between the double doors of the school entrance), or mail them to us at 217 S. Broadway. Remember to include student name(s) with all payments. Other Ways to Pay Tuition
Alternatively, if you would like the convenience of an automatic payment scheduled through either your bank account or your credit card, please reach out to either the school or church office - we'd be happy to help you set something up. If you'd like to pay something other than the full monthly tuition amount, you can pay any amount of your choosing through this PayPal link: Be sure to include the student name(s) with all payments. |
"I really enjoyed the personal connection with my teachers and classmates. I loved growing in my faith." E. Lanctot, alumnus |